
Sarah Island

Tourist attractions

Macquarie Harbour, Strahan TAS 7468, Strahan, TAS 7468
(03) 6288 1149


Sarah Island, located in the remote reaches of Macquarie Harbour, was established in 1821 as a harsh penal settlement for hardened convicts.

The island, surrounded by the temperamental waters of the harbour and the impenetrable rainforests on the west coast, made it the most secure location to hold convicts.

Visitors can explore the ruins of Sarah Island and gain a glimpse into the brutal life of convicts. The ruins include the remains of the prison buildings, barracks, commandant's house and several workshops. These ruins have withstood weathering and time, but still give a haunting insight into the cruelty of the colonial penal system. Many tour guides accompany visitors to the site and provide extensive knowledge about the life of convicts on Sarah Island.

One of the main activities is to take the walking track that links important sites on the island. The walking track leads visitors through the ruins and sites, including the graveyard and the ruins of the commandant's house. The beautiful and lush rainforest vegetation has covered and hidden many of the original buildings, making it an exciting adventure to explore.

Sarah Island is open to visitors throughout the year. During the summer months, from December to February, the weather is generally mild and suitable for outdoor activities.

The only way to reach Sarah Island is by water. Several wilderness cruises operate from the Strahan area, which take visitors to the island. Visitors can also opt for a boat charter to customize their experience. The cruises provide an opportunity to see the rugged beauty of Macquarie Harbour and the untouched wilderness that surrounds the island.


Natural attractions: Islands


Macquarie Harbour, Strahan TAS 7468, Strahan, TAS 7468

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