
The Earth Above - Revelation Film Festival

Events Jul 4, 5 Scitech

Sutherland St, West Perth, WA 6005
448 007 233


The Earth Above: A Deep Time View of Australia’s Epic History is a 30 minute full-dome planetarium show.

Funded by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage (CABAH), and produced by the Deakin MotionLab in Melbourne, in collaboration with First Nations communities across Australia and University of Wollongong Science Space.

Australian First Nations tell of a solid sky dome around the Earth.

After we die, we’re transported beyond the dome to join our ancestors.

On Earth we see our ancestors as stars shining through holes in the cover of the dome.

Using the full dome experience as a medium that can embody this ancient story, The Earth Above: A Deep Time View of Australia’s Epic History follows the ancestors on a journey deep into the Country.

We move across ancient Superhighways connecting the entire continent of Australia, sharing deep time stories illuminated by new relationships between emerging research and First Nation’s knowledge.

Presented at Scitech Planetarium


Event date: Jul 4, 5

Time(s): 5pm, 6pm

Event Venue: Scitech

Films: Movie events

Other: Festivals, Science

Event Company: Revelation Perth International Film Festival


Sutherland St, West Perth, WA 6005

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