
Great Prom Walk

Tourist attractions

Mount Oberon Carpark Road, Wilsons Promontory VIC 3960, Wilsons Promontory, VIC 3960


The Great Prom Walk is a popular circuit in Wilsons Promontory National Park, Victoria.

It requires three to four days to complete and is suitable for experienced bushwalkers with a good level of fitness. During the Great Prom Walk, you can enjoy stunning views of the coastline, ferny glades, and lush forests of Wilsons Promontory National Park. There are two options available depending on your time and energy. Option One is a 35.5-kilometer walk that takes you through Windy Saddle, Sealers Cove, Kersops Peak, Little Waterloo Bay, and Telegraph Track. Option Two covers a distance of 52.8 kilometers and includes a visit to the lighthouse before following Telegraph Track back to the car park.

The best time to undertake the Great Prom Walk is from November to March when the weather is warm and dry, and the days are longer. To reach Wilsons Promontory National Park, take the South Gippsland Highway from Melbourne towards Leongatha. Follow the signs to Meeniyan and then head to the park's entrance. The park is approximately three hours away from Melbourne by car. Once you arrive at the park, locate the Telegraph Saddle Car Park, which is the starting and ending point of the Great Prom Walk. Ensure you have the necessary permits and bookings for an overnight hike.


Trails & sites: Hiking tracks


Mount Oberon Carpark Road, Wilsons Promontory VIC 3960, Wilsons Promontory, VIC 3960

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