
Avondale Discovery Farm

Tourist attractions


In the 70s, Prince Charles himself opened Avondale Discovery Farm 1850s homestead, 1890s stables, and the agricultural machinery museum.

Avondale Research Station, comprising a single storey brick and corrugated iron Homestead (1880s) in the Victorian Georgian style, a vernacular single and double storey corrugated iron Stables (1890s), a vertical concrete Silo (1927), a single storey brick and iron former Laboratory (1930), workers dwellings (1928 and 1937), has cultural heritage significance for the following reasons: Established as a State Farm in 1919, the place has been a venue for agricultural research since 1924, and was the site of an important research project for braxy-like disease in sheep in the early 1930s, with the research Laboratory constructed specifically for the project; The place has a landmark quality within its picturesque rural landscape; The Stables dating from the 1890s feature very well-detailed timber horse stalls and roof structure, and are a rare example of innovative design; The place is valued for its role in agricultural research and education, borne out by the local community’s financial contribution to the establishment of the Laboratory in 1930 and the contribution of farm machinery for the Discovery Farm museum in 1979; The various components that comprise the place demonstrate specific government initiatives in the establishment and the subsequent development of the place as a site of agricultural research and a showcase of rural work and life; The Avondale property was one of the earliest pastoral properties established in the Beverley district and the farm’s development since 1830 has been indicative of and contributed to the development of the area; and, The place contributes to the local and wider community’s sense of place for its links to the early settlement of the Avon Valley and for its ongoing contribution to agricultural research and education in the State.

NOTE: Currently CLOSED for rennovations until further notice. 


550 Waterhatch Road, Beverley, WA 6304

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