
Carnarvon Sweeter Banana

Business directory Agriculture

1945 Northwest Coastal Highway, Carnarvon, WA 6701
(08) 9941 9100


Sweeter Creamier and grown without nasty chemicals. No pesticides, fungicides or insecticides. Try a banana today and taste the difference.

Sweeter Bananas take twice as long to grow as the tropical banana, making them the ultimate slow food.

Carnarvon’s arid desert climate and isolation means that Sweeter Bananas are kept safe from bugs and pests that plague bananas grown just about everywhere else in the country.That means that not only are Sweeter Bananas free from insecticides, pesticides and fungicides but they are also cleaner and greener which is better for the environment. All Carnarvon Sweeter Banana farmers have environmental accreditation, ensuring sustainability and environmental harmony.

Carnarvon Sweeter Bananas are readily available and easy to identify, just look for the Buy West Eat Best symbol. The Lunchbox Banana is famous for its sweet and creamy taste and small size and you will always find them in its original lunchbox bag. Smoothies are bananas grown on the outside of the bunch and they’re also sweet, creamy and spray free. They have light markings on their skin but inside the bananas are perfect and can be eaten fresh, or used in smoothies and cakes.


Business & Industry: Agriculture


1945 Northwest Coastal Highway, Carnarvon, WA 6701

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