
Cloudehill Gardens

Tourist attractions

89 Olinda-Monbulk Road, Olinda VIC 3788, Olinda, VIC 3788
(03) 9751 1009


Located in Olinda, at the top of Dandenongs, Cloudehill Gardens is a renowned world-class attraction.

It features spectacular garden rooms filled with flowers and magnificent artworks, making it a must-visit destination for nature lovers and those seeking a unique setting to relax in.

The garden offers 25 compartments separated by stone walls and hedges, showcasing a diverse range of spaces. Visitors can explore summer borders, peony gardens, spring shrub walks, bluebell woodlands, bulb meadows, and a green theatre hosting the Summer Twilight Concert series. The weeping Japanese maples, imported from Yokohama Nursery in Japan and growing on the property since 1928, are a significant highlight.

Operated by the Diggers Club, Cloudehill Nursery stocks heirloom seeds, mature trees, and plants found in the gardens. It's a perfect place to take home a piece of the garden. The Seasons Restaurant provides a unique dining experience using fresh local produce, offering a relaxing spot to enjoy a delicious meal after exploring the gardens.

Cloudehill Gardens and the Diggers Garden Shop have implemented COVID safe measures and are open to visitors. The garden is open all year round, with each season offering a different experience. Spring showcases magnolias, camellias, and rhododendrons, while summer highlights the various summer border blooms. Autumn provides a glimpse of the garden's foliage, and winter allows visitors to appreciate the artistic beauty of the plant structures.

Located in Olinda, atop the Dandenongs, Cloudehill Gardens is easily accessible for day trips from Melbourne. It's only an hour's drive


Natural attractions: Botanical gardens


89 Olinda-Monbulk Road, Olinda VIC 3788, Olinda, VIC 3788

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