
Dale Tilbrook Experiences


10070 West Swan Road, Henley Brook, WA 6055
(08) 9296 0711


Embark on a one-of-a-kind cultural journey with Dale Tilbrook’s Aboriginal Experiences.

Get a taste of the wild by sampling a variety of native Australian bush foods like quandong, native limes, sandalwood nuts and local coastal greens. Learn about and explore the medicinal properties of these unique plants, and discover the amazing health benefits they provide. Feed the friendly emus, who are always happy to pose for a photo opportunity. Enjoy a delicious bush tucker inspired lunch or afternoon tea. Experience the cultural tradition of storytelling through art. Throughout the journey, savour the bush tucker snacks that are included in the experience. Let Dale Tilbrook’s Aboriginal Experiences ignite all your senses.


Tours: Aboriginal, Cultural tours

Tour Duration: Single Day Trips


10070 West Swan Road, Henley Brook, WA 6055

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