
Devonian Reef

Tourist attractions

Devonian Reef, Fitzroy Crossing, WA 6765
(08) 9191 0999


Devonian Reef is located in the Kimberley region in an area once covered by tropical sea.

It is now a protected area of Western Australia and includes three National Parks, the Geikie Gorge National Park, the Tunnel Creek National Park and the Windjana Gorge National Park.

All the parks originated as the Western Australia reef, around 350 million years ago, during the Devonian Period, and now feature rocky landscapes and formation, rich gorges, and plenty of wildlife.

The three ranges cut through the Devonian "Great Barrier Reef" and is now exposed to reveal some of the most spectacular landforms in the Kimberley Region.


Natural attractions: Reefs & Sea Stacks


Devonian Reef, Fitzroy Crossing, WA 6765

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