
Diving at the Macedon and Denton Holmes Wrecks

Tourist attractions


The resting ground of not one but two shipwrecks - perfect for underwater exploration.

The Macedon was built in Liverpool in 1870 and was carrying 50 horses along with its cargo and passengers before it hit rock and sunk in 1883. A few years later in 1890, cargo vessel Denton Holmes joined it at the bottom of the sea after striking the reef off Rottnest Island's coastline. 

Located virtually on top of each other, these wrecks lie on top of Kingston Reef just out from Thompson’s Bay. They have been prone to a lot of swell and surge, so apart from timber and iron remnants there is not a lot left. Watch out when you anchor near here and do NOT tie up to the big yellow mooring, as the local glass bottom boat cruises in here to show people the wreck.

For diving enquiries, contact Perth Scuba. 



Trails & sites: Diving Sites


Kingston Reef, Rottnest Island WA 6161, Rottnest Island, WA 6161

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Diving at the Macedon and Denton Holmes Wrecks - Localista

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