
East Mylies

Tourist attractions


East Mylies is along, scenic beach that offers good fishing and whale watching.

White sand, blue sea and a rugged headland that drops steeply down to the water’s edge make East Mylies Beach a great place to fish or simply stretch your legs and enjoy the view. During winter, southern right whales may shelter close to shore with their newborn calves.

A walk trail leads down to the beach, over a small bridge and along a sandy track. It s about 600m return - Class 2.

As no drinking water is available at this site please bring your own supplies and as you are in a National Park all domestic animals need to be left at home.

Your safety: Coast Risks are significant in this park.

This information was provided by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions: dpaw.wa.gov.au


Natural attractions: Beaches

Trails & sites: Fishing Spots


Fitzgerald River National Park, WA

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