
Esperance Stonehenge

Tourist attractions

RMB 4323, Merivale Rd, Esperance WA 6450, Esperance, WA 6450
08 9075 9003


Don't miss seeing this full size replica of the original Stonehenge in the UK, as it would have looked around 1950BC.

Esperance Stonehenge is situated 10 minutes drive from Esperance townsite, enroute to Cape Le Grand National Park. Built to align with the solstices in Esperance. On the morning of the Summer Solstice (December 22) the suns rays align with the station stones and shine through to the altar stone. The sunset of the Winter Solstice (June 21) repeats the same alignment in reverse.


Open days/Times: 9am - 1pm

Open Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Suited For: Family-friendly


RMB 4323, Merivale Rd, Esperance WA 6450, Esperance, WA 6450

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