
Geikie Gorge National Park

Tourist attractions

via Geikie Gorge Road, Fitzroy Crossing WA 6765, Fitzroy Crossing, WA 6765
1800 621 426


Geikie Gorge National Park, also known as Danggu Gorge National Park, is an accessible national park in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. It is located approximately 420 km (261 mi) east of Broome and 20 km (12 mi) from Fitzroy Crossing.

The park provides picnic shelters, barbecue areas, toilets, and water for visitors, but camping is not allowed. Visitors are only permitted during the day.

The gorge in the park has been formed by the Fitzroy River, which can experience a significant rise in water level during the wet season. The flood level is visible on the gorge walls, where the limestone has been scoured white by the floodwaters. The limestone range, once a 2 km (1 mi) thick reef formed in the Devonian period, now stands above the plains. Fossils from the Devonian period can be found within the limestone strata.

Exploring the gorge can be done by following a 3 km (2 mi) walk trail along the western base of the gorge walls. The trail offers a great view, although the terrain is rough and uneven. The eastern side of the gorge is closed to visitors as it serves as a nature preserve. Visitors can also take boat tours in the gorge, with a boat ramp available for public use outside of tour times.

The park sustains a diverse range of wildlife along the river, including barramundi, sawfish, and freshwater crocodiles. The vegetation along the river bank consists of river gums, freshwater mangroves, pandanus, cadjeput, and native figs. Dense banks of reeds can also be found in the area. This flora provides a suitable habitat for various fauna, such


Parks: Barbecue Areas, Picnic Area, Rock Climbing Sites, Swimming Spots, Toilets, National parks


via Geikie Gorge Road, Fitzroy Crossing WA 6765, Fitzroy Crossing, WA 6765

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