
Granite Skywalk

Tourist attractions


The Granite Skywalk is a suspended walkway on the huge granite outcrop of Castle Rock.

A marvel of engineering, the two lookouts give spectacular views across the park and undulating farmland to Albany on the south coast, Mt Gardner and Mt Manypeaks to the south-east and the Stirling Range to the north.

The two kilometre walk up from the Castle Rock picnic area passes through jarrah, marri and karri forest and by Balancing Rock to reach the base of Castle Rock and the lower lookout. Reaching the upper lookout requires scrambling through and over rocks and climbing a 6 metre ladder.

The Granite Skywalk provides thrills for visitors as well as opportunities for nature appreciation along with other national park attractions in the area. The others are the Mount Frankland Wilderness Lookout in Mount Frankland National Park, the Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk in the Walpole-Nornalup National Park and the Gap and Natural Bridge in Torndirrup National Park.These attractions are linked by the Getting high in nature travel itinerary.

Granite Skywalk on YouTube:



This information was provided by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions: dpaw.wa.gov.au


Trails & sites: Hiking tracks


Porongurup, WA

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