
Greater Beedelup National Park

Tourist attractions

Beedelup, WA


The cool, misty understorey of the towering karris houses an enchanting world of mosses and ferns complete with its own waterfall.

The park takes its name from Beedelup Brook, which is thought to be derived from the Nyoongar word Beedja meaning place of rest or place of sleep, fitting for such a tranquil area.

The Falls

The major attraction in the park is the Beedelup Falls, which are best viewed in winter and spring when they are in full flow with winter rains. Tumbling 100m over granite rocks, the falls give the area its cool, damp character. A boardwalk has been built around the falls, incorporating a suspension bridge at their base offering passage across Beedelup Brook and an upstream bridge where water rushes centimetres below your feet. There is also wheelchair access to a viewing platform overlooking the falls.

Unique Ecosystem

The park is set in the karri forest, an ecosystem unique to this part of the world. Growing up to 90m tall, making it one of the world’s tallest hardwoods, the smooth barked karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) is a majestic tree which will dwarf you as you walk beneath its canopy. The loamy soil also supports large colonies of moss and plants such as the swamp peppermint (Agonis linearifolia), hibbertia, karri hazel, water bush, myrtle wattle (Acacia myrtifolia) and lemon-scented darwinia (Darwinia citriodora) all of which thrive in the damp conditions. Although the dominant species here is karri, there is a beautiful stand of pure marri (Corymbia calophylla) north of the falls, and jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) is also dotted throughout the park.

Scenic Drive

The park is located on the Karri Forest Explorer Drive, an 85km scenic drive which takes in many of the areas attractions, including the Gloucester Tree, Gloucester National Park, the Cascades, the Dave Evans Bicentennial Tree, Warren National Park, the Warren River and the Big Brook Dam. Drivers can tune in to 88.0FM at various locations along the drive, including Beedelup Falls, to learn more about the area.

Stay Awhile

There are a few accommodation options close by Greater Beedelup National Park, including the Karri Valley Resort and the Beedelup House Cottages which are linked to the park via a walk trail.

Getting there

A short 20 minute drive from Pemberton, or 4.5 hours from Perth, Greater Beedelup National Park is located on a sealed turnoff from Vasse Highway and is accessible by all vehicles.

This information was provided by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions: dpaw.wa.gov.au


Parks: Toilets, National parks


Beedelup, WA

22km W of Pemberton.

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