
Imperieuse Reef

Tourist attractions


Imperieuse Reef, 42 kilometres from Clerke, is the largest and most south-westerly reef of the Rowley Shoals Marine Park

It is the least visited of the three Rowley Shoals because the passage connecting the lagoon to the sea is extremely narrow and large vessels are unable to navigate it. Cunningham Island, an unvegetated sand cay, lies near the northern extremity of the reef.

Bookings are required to use the public moorings at Imperieuse Reef (outside the lagoon).

Most charter vessels visit the shoals from September to December.

This information was provided by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions: dpaw.wa.gov.au


Natural attractions: Reefs & Sea Stacks

Parks: 2WD Access - No


Rowley Shoals Marine Park, WA

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