
Local Art Paper - A curated arts website, originating from the South West WA

Tourist attractions Drawing, Paintings, Photography, Print art, Sculptures, Textile art, Wood carving, Art galleries, Antiques, Artist studios, Public art


The Local Art Paper, est.2019, is an online curated arts site that writes strictly coffee drinking length articles sourced from in and around the South West Region of WA. Published quarterly.

The Local Art Paper or L.A.P is the brain child of DP and JB, who met at playgroup and quickly discovered they had more interest in talking about Matisse than sleep schedules. This love of the Fine Arts has crystallised into the Local Art Paper where they research and interview in length other art lovers and practitioners in the beautiful surrounds of the Margaret River region and beyond. You can sign up on the website for their latest articles and interviews. This is currently a free subscription through email only, they don't use Facebook and only Instagram is used to advertise a new interview or article. Read their roundup of the Margaret River Region Open Studios(MRROS) for 2020 - a who 'caught their eye' , a whose 'not to miss' and a hint at how to think about planning your next MRROS adventure for 2021. Their most recent project was the longform 'Why can't we talk about art?' for the new Mycelium Project from Southern Forest Arts, as part of The Creative Grid for WA's Regional Arts sector.


Art galleries: Drawing, Paintings, Photography, Print art, Sculptures, Textile art, Wood carving, Art galleries, Antiques, Artist studios, Public art

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