

Business directory Food, Housing & Homeless

5 Mackie Street, Victoria Park, WA 6100
1300 626 624


From what began as the simple act of feeding a few homeless people in a park, Manna has grown to become one of the largest providers of meals for disadvantaged people here in Perth.

Along the way we have seen other needs that we knew had to be addressed and so began our School Breakfast Program, Winter School Uniform program, the School Cooking Facility, Special functions for Seniors, as well as thousands of food parcels delivered each year. The more contact we have with the community, the more we see that there is a greater need for the services we can offer. 

Whilst all of these different programs are meeting the physical needs of many people, the greatest gift that Manna gives is a sense of family - love, care, respect, - a smile and hug. For many we come in contact with, from the children right through to the seniors, a hug that comes free of any expectations we have found to be worth more than gold. A relationship is formed and they become part of the Manna family… for many the only family they have right now that can be trusted to look out for their well being. 

Here at Manna, we love our big family and would love you to join it and part of assisting the homeless, the children and our precious seniors. 


Charities: Food, Housing & Homeless


5 Mackie Street, Victoria Park, WA 6100

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