
Marathon Tours


Deloitte House Level 2/24 Anzac Parade, Hamilton East, NI 3247
+64 800 786 646


?Marathon Tours?? is a travel company?? that specializes?? in customized?? and escorted?? running tours?? for New Zealand??ers.

The company?? has been taking?? New Zealand runners?? and walkers to?? the world’s premium?? marathon events?? for unforgettable?? experiences. Marathon?? Tours provides?? guaranteed entry?? into some of?? the world's most?? iconic marathons, tour?? leading, and?? marathon running?? experience. The?? company is staff??ed by travel professionals?? who are runners?? themselves and?? understand the?? hard work that?? goes into preparing?? for a marathon??. They also understand?? what runners?? need leading?? up to the run?? and how to enjoy?? the rest of the?? trip following?? the event. ??Marathon Tours?? sends multiple?? experienced staff?? as tour leaders?? to key events?? to provide on??-the-ground assistance?? to their clients??. The tour leaders?? are all trained?? in first-aid, knowledgeable?? of travel and?? event management??, and have a love?? of travel. They?? lead the supporter?? tours on race?? day, ensuring?? partners and?? families get?? to see their?? runners. Marathon?? Tours & Travel?? has dedicated?? itself to offering?? runners and their?? travel companions?? extraordinary?? destination experiences?? while exploring?? the seven continents?? one stride at?? a time. ??Marathon Tours?? & Travel handles?? travel packages?? to the world??'s greatest marathon?? and running events?? around the world??. The company?? is located in?? Boston, MA, the?? home of the world??'s oldest marathon??, and is the Official?? Travel Agency?? for the Boston?? Marathon. They?? offer the lowest?? rates at a wide?? selection of?? well-located hotels?? for the Boston?? Marathon. Additionally??, as the official?? North American?? travel agency??, they have guaranteed?? entry for many?? of the world??'s most popular?? running events??, including the?? TCS London Marathon??, Tokyo Marathon??, TCS New York?? City Marathon??, and more than?? 40 additional?? experiences. ??One of?? the events that?? Marathon Tours?? offers is the?? New Zealand So??theby’s Queen??stown International?? Realty Marathon??, which is the?? country’s most?? scenic race. The?? race is set between?? the backdrop?? of the world??-renowned Crown?? Range and The?? Remarkables and?? takes in the?? best highlights?? of the Queen??stown Lakes Region??, including the?? five-star Mil??brook Resort, Arrow??town, Lake Hayes??, Shotover River??, Lake Wakatipu, Queen??stown Gardens??, and finishes?? in the heart?? of Queenstown itself??. New Zealand?? offers a variety?? of contrasting?? and beautiful?? landscapes. The?? package gives?? travelers the?? opportunity to?? visit Auckland?? for wine tast??ings, black beaches??, and an optional?? day tour of W??aiheke Island?? in the North?? and then travel?? to the South?? Island for the?? race and more?? adventure. ??Marathon Tours?? is a reputable?? travel company?? that provides?? a unique experience?? for runners and?? their travel?? companions. The?? company's focus?? on marathon running?? experience, tour?? leading, and?? guaranteed entry?


Open days/Times: Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

Tours: Running


Deloitte House Level 2/24 Anzac Parade, Hamilton East, NI 3247

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