
Mary Chester House

Health & community services Disability Respite and Activity Centres Ageing Health Services Seniors


A leading dementia specialist Enabling Household™ run by Alzheimer's WA aimed at meeting the needs of people living with dementia in the Perth area.

Mary Chester House in Shenton Park operates six days a week between 10.00am and 3.00pm and 24 hours for short stays.

The home environment encourages people with dementia, families, volunteers and staff to be a part of the household. This includes cooking lunch, planting vegetables, walking the dog, participating in the children’s playgroup or fixing things in the shed. Family carers can enjoy a break from their caring role confident in the knowledge their loved one is enjoying a great day with friends.

Based around the Enabling Household™ model, this home away from home provides an evidence based therapeutic environment that seeks to maximise wellbeing in the person with dementia. Mary Chester House is a fully registered Eden Alternative™ environment.

Providing a wide range of meaningful activities based on the person’s strengths, identity and interests, the household provides meaningful engagement, stimulation and friendship in specially designed dementia enabling environments.

Family carers are invited to visit for regular support meetings, get information from the library or to attend special educational workshops.

Mary Chester House also offers short stays to give you a break and support re-ablement and wellness of your loved one.

Respite and social support is offered for the person with dementia and carers, either in your home or in the community, on a one-to-one basis with support provided by our dementia-specialist support workers.

Other services include:

Men's Shed - Being a part of a Men’s Shed brings opportunities to participate actively in a community with other men from diverse backgrounds and make new friends.

Friendship clubs and social support - Groups provide an engaging and fun environment for people living with dementia to socialise, remain active in the community, make friends and maintain relationships.


Disability: Disability Respite and Activity Centres

Health Support: Ageing Health Services

Support Programs: Seniors


Alzheimer's WA, 9 Bedbrook Place, Shenton Park, WA 6008

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