
Material Practice: Howard Taylor's Journal

Events Jul 20 - Dec 1 The Art Gallery of Western Australia | AGWA

Perth, WA 6000
08 9492 6600


Witness firsthand the evolution of one of Western Australia’s most significant artists, seen through artworks in the Collection along with pages from his Journal.

Howard Taylor is one of Western Australia's most significant artists. When delving into his oeuvre, the focus is emphatically drawn to the artist's intense preoccupation with process. Taylor’s Journal was acquired by AGWA in 2004 and provides intriguing insights into the artist’s material practice through entries from 1946 to 2001. Taylor's journey as an artist is deeply rooted in experimentation, innovation and a relentless exploration of his chosen medium, as documented through the pages of his Journal.

At the heart of Taylor's artistic journey lies his unwavering commitment to process. Each sketch, brushstroke, sculpted form and meticulously crafted surface is a testament to his detailed approach to making – all chronicled within his Journal. Taylor's Journal serves as a repository of his explorations and discoveries, offering a glimpse into the inner workings of his creative mind.

Central to Taylor's artistic vision was his profound engagement with materials. From traditional media like oil to less conventional techniques such as egg tempera, Taylor dedicatedly refined the endless potential of each material at his disposal. His Journal is a companion on this journey, capturing the challenges and resolutions of his artistic experimentation.


Event date: Jul 20 - Dec 1

Ticket Price Information: Free event

Event Venue: The Art Gallery of Western Australia | AGWA

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible

Suited for: Families

Art exhibitions: Painting, Sculpture, Other exhibitions

Other: Free events, History


The Art Gallery of Western Australia | AGWA
Perth, WA 6000

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