
Mirima National Park

Tourist attractions

Lot 248 Ivanhoe Road KUNUNURRA PO Box 942 KUNUNURRA 6743, Kununurra, WA


Mirima National Park has steep, broken walls of colourful layered rocks that come alive as they reflect the tones of changing light.

Accessible year round

The May to October dry season is the best time to visit the Kimberley. However, Mirima National Park is accessible and worth seeing all year round.

Mirima National Park is just two kilometres (a drive of less than five minutes) east of Kununurra. There is well signposted access via Barrington Avenue and Hidden Valley.


The national park covers 2,067 hectares and contains spectacular natural rock formations. The rocks were formed from sediments deposited by creeks and wind-blown sand about 300 million years ago. The horizontal layers are evidence of their sedimentary origin beneath a primordial sea. The rocks are protected by a thin layer of black-grey algae and lichens that resist the weathering of the fragile orange sandstone by the torrential rains of the tropical wet.

Cultural significance

Mirima is a culturally significant place for the local Miriwoong people. For thousands of years the natural features of Mirima have attracted the local Aboriginal people. The rock formations provide shelter, rock holes provide permanent water and plants and animals are used for food, tools and medicine. Cultural ceremonies continue to be performed at special sites within the park.

Walking and photography

Mirima National Park is a day use area popular for walking, photography and nature observation. Four walk trails include the Class 3, 2.2km return Gerliwany-gerring Banan Trail. The Class 4, 800m return Derdbe-gerring Banan Trail climbs to points overlooking Kununurra and intricate rock formations. The Class 2, 400m Looking at Plants Trail is a loop that includes a wheelchair friendly boardwalk. The Class 3, 500m return Demboong Banan Trail leads through a gap in the sandstone range to a lookout over Kununurra.

Wild attractions

Agile wallabies are common while secretive short-eared rock-wallabies live in the more remote parts the park. Dingoes are sometimes seen in the early morning or late afternoon. Black kites usually forage in flocks, or perch together in trees, seeking respite from the heat. The vegetation along Lily Creek is a good place to see double-barred and crimson finches. The white-quilled rock-pigeon inhabits the sandstone hills and cliffs.

Crocodile safety

CROCWISE LogoWhen you are entering the Kimberley or Pilbara regions, you are entering crocodile country. Two species of crocodile occur in Western Australia: the estuarine (or saltwater) crocodile and the freshwater crocodile. The estuarine crocodile is the largest living reptile and is considered to be a dangerous predator. Freshwater crocodiles are smaller and not as aggressive. Be CROCWISE in Western Australia's north and download our Crocodile safety and myth-busting factsheet and Crocodile brochure. For more information on Be CROCWISE see www.nt.gov.au/becrocwise

Your safety

It’s great to escape everyday life and visit?a park or reserve in WA. It is also important to us that you return safely to your family and friends.?

Always remember it is?really important?to plan when to visit. Read this safety information about bushwalking. Consider traveling with a personal location beacon (PLB). In the event you need to be rescued it could save your life!

This information was provided by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions: dpaw.wa.gov.au


Parks: Entry Station, Hiking Trails, Toilets, National parks

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Lot 248 Ivanhoe Road KUNUNURRA PO Box 942 KUNUNURRA 6743, Kununurra, WA

2km N of Kununurra.

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