
Misty Cannings

Tourist attractions Artist studios


Misty creates a wide variety of vibrant art pieces of different styles and themes including abstract, portraiture and underwater life.

'Celebrating nature and patterns in nature with vibrant and unique art - there is something for everyone to fall in love with.

With a young family in Margaret River, I have worked from home and enjoyed painting and creating in my spare time for the last five years. My experiences in the Pilbara, my love of the ocean and exploring the beautiful south west have built a wealth of inspiration for my art which has taken me on a journey of creation.

I want to create art from what I see, feel and experience in our beautiful environment and from my own life experiences. I get the urge to recreate the imagery, patterns, colours, textures and emotions that are ever so beautiful in life and nature. With the passion to recreate such a variety of scenery and themes, I have found the joy of exploring many mediums and techniques that have seemed to suit the various inspired art pieces in my ever-evolving artistic journey.

With such a variety or works and styles, I'm sure you will find and fall in love with a piece while visiting my studio. Please be sure to check my social pages to see more examples of my work. I look forward to meeting you during Margaret River Open Studios 2024.'


Art galleries: Artist studios

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