
Mount Lindesay Summit Walk

Tourist attractions


Mount Lindesay is about 20km north of Denmark, along the Mt Lindesay Road, in the state's South West region.

This moderately difficult walk takes you across the pretty Denmark River before climbing up through jarrah woodland. In spring, keep a look out for the many species of orchids that grow on the flanks of Mount Lindesay.

A steep climb up a granite section shows off a myriad of mosses, lichens and other tiny plants that have adapted to growing in such a harsh environment.

Once you reach the summit, a loop trail provides 360 degree views of the Walpole Wilderness, the coast and surrounding farmland.

Return to the car park via the same trail.

Distance:10 kilometres return

Time: Allow 3-4 hours return

Class: 4 moderately difficult walk

There is no drinking water available at this site so please bring plenty of drinking water with you and if walking a hat, sunscreen and appropriate clothing as weather conditions might change during your walk.

This information was provided by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions: dpaw.wa.gov.au


Trails & sites: Hiking tracks


Mount Romance, WA

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Mount Lindesay Summit Walk - Localista

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