
Mylies Beach

Tourist attractions


Limestone cliffs and a winding creek at this sheltered picnic spot offer a different experience for park visitors.

Mylies features a picnic site nestled in the dunes. From here it’s a short walk along the edge of a small creek to the beach. The low limestone cliffs at Mylies are an unusual sight for visitors. Most of the coastline in the park consists of broad sandy bays separated by headlands and steep cliffs made of very hard quartzite and schist rock (400 million years old). The much younger limestone at Mylies was created during the last two million years when wind-blown dunes of shelly material were dissolved and cemented together by rainfall.

Mylies Beach was named after Mr. Mildwaters, a local publican and farmer, who had a fishing camp at this spot for some years. Mylies Beach offers good fishing and whale watching. During winter, southern right whales may shelter close to shore with their newborn calves.

This information was provided by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions: dpaw.wa.gov.au


Natural attractions: Beaches

Trails & sites: Picnic sites, Swimming holes


Fitzgerald River National Park, WA

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