
Craig Canty


83 Alec Craig Way, Auckland, NI 0930
+64 21 743 321


?Craig Canty, Auckland??, New Zealand?? is a great destination?? for travelers?? who want to experience?? a mix of urban?? and natural settings??.

Auckland is?? New Zealand's largest?? and most cosm??opolitan urban?? center, with?? towering skys??crapers, volcanic?? islands, and?? picturesque beaches??. The city seamlessly?? blends majestic?? scenery with?? the hustle and?? bustle of city?? living. Auckland?? is a great place?? for adventure?? junkies, with?? everything from?? zip lining on?? Waiheke Island?? to bungee jumping?? from the Sky?? Tower. For culture?? enthusiasts, the?? city offers the?? perfect mash??up of Maori, European??, and Asian influences?? at sights like?? the Auckland?? War Memorial?? Museum and the?? Auckland Art?? Gallery Toi o?? Tamaki. ??Craig Cant??y can start his?? trip by exploring?? Auckland's food?? scene. Amano in?? Auckland is a?? great place to?? start, where?? he can try tr??uffle pasta made?? with Canterbury?? Perigord black?? truffles grown?? in the Canterbury?? region of New?? Zealand. After?? exploring Auckland??, Craig can head?? to Waiheke Island?? to taste wine?? and explore abandoned?? WWII complexes??. Then, it's off?? to the adventure?? capital of the?? world, Queen??stown. ??Craig can?? also explore?? the greater Auckland?? region, which?? includes Great?? Barrier Island??, Hibiscus Coast??, Matakana Coast??, and Waiheke Island??. Auckland is?? a popular holiday?? destination, and?? Craig can find?? discounted air??fare and hotel?? rates during?? the low season?? between May and?? September. ??Craig can?? also learn about?? New Zealand's culture?? and history by?? visiting the?? Auckland War?? Memorial Museum?? and the Auckland?? Art Gallery To??i o Tamaki. Auckland?? is known for?? its hospitable nature??, and the country?? has some of the?? lowest crime?? rates in the?? world. Petty?? crime is known?? to occur from?? time to time?? in Auckland, so?? it's best to?? keep expensive?? attire at home?? and carry as?? little cash as?? possible. ??Craig Cant??y can also learn?? about New Zealand??'s fashion industry?? by visiting the?? New Zealand Fashion?? Museum, which?? features the?? work of Craig?? Owen. Craig Owen?? was a photographer?? who worked in?? New York and?? Australia before?? basing himself?? in Auckland. His?? photography is?? modern, perceptive, and?? spontaneous, and?? he used some?? of New Zealand??'s most recognizable?? landscape shots?? to create images?? that present?? an engaging fantasy?? capable of transporting?? the viewer. ??Overall, Auckland??, New Zealand?? is a great destination?? for travelers?


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83 Alec Craig Way, Auckland, NI 0930

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