
Windy Canyon Walk

Tourist attractions

Great Barrier Island NI


Windy Canyon Walk is a popular track located on Great Barrier Island, Auckland region, New Zealand.

The walk offers spectacular views of the island and is a must-visit for nature lovers and hikers. The walk is approximately 3.3 km long and is dog-friendly for those with a DOC permit for recreational hunting or management purposes only. The climb includes numerous steps through the sheer rock faces of Windy Canyon. The track is well-maintained and easy to navigate, but it can be challenging for those who are not used to hiking. The climb is worth it, as there are splendid views of Okiwi Basin and Whangapoua Beach and estuary to the north, and Kaitoke and Medlands beaches to the east.

The Windy Canyon lookout is a stunning panoramic spot that offers excellent views of the island. The lookout is just a 10-minute walk from the road, and visitors can enjoy the views of the island from here. The lookout is not a clear spot, but the views are still breathtaking. Visitors can continue on Palmers Track to the summit of Hirakimata/Mt Hobson. This is the shortest and easiest of the three paths to the summit. The track starts at a small off-road parking area on Aotea Road and will take you anywhere from 4 – 5 hours return. The track is well-maintained, and visitors can enjoy the flora and fauna along the way. The climb is easy, and visitors can enjoy the views along the way and at the top.

The Windy Canyon Walk is a unique walk that offers great flora, slot of steps, and well-kept walkways. Visitors can enjoy the cicada noise along the way, and the views are worth the climb. The walk is easy to navigate, and visitors can enjoy the views of the island from the lookout. To stay safe during the walk, visitors should take the right gear for their trip, follow the five essential steps of the Land Safety Code, and tell a trusted person their plans and when to raise the alarm if they haven’t returned. They can send them the information directly or use the Outdoor Intentions form or Plan My Walk.

In conclusion, Windy Canyon Walk is a must-visit for nature lovers and hikers. The walk offers spectacular views of the island, and visitors can enjoy the flora and fauna along the way. The climb is easy, and visitors can enjoy the views along the way and at the top. Visitors should take the right gear for their trip, follow the five essential steps of the Land Safety Code, and tell a trusted person their plans and when to raise the alarm if they haven’t returned.


Great Barrier Island NI

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