
Character on Claudeland


Claudelands, NI 3214


Character on Claudeland is a 3.5-star vacation home in Hamilton, New Zealand.

It offers free WiFi and self-parking. The property has a terrace and garden for guests to enjoy. The vacation home includes a kitchen for guests to prepare their meals. The property is suitable for travelers who prefer a private and independent stay. It is spacious and well-equipped, providing a comfortable and convenient experience. It is located in the Claudelands area, with easy access to attractions like Claudelands Park and Globox Arena. Guests can enjoy essential amenities such as free WiFi, self-parking, a terrace, and a garden. The well-equipped kitchen allows guests to prepare their meals during their stay.


Type: Vacation rentals

Services: Car parking, Wi-fi


Claudelands, NI 3214

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