
Historic Kumara Swimming Baths

Tourist attractions

Maruia SI


The Historic Kumara Swimming Baths is a community project that was constructed in 1934 using voluntary labour. It is located in the town of Kumara, on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand, 30 kilometres (19 mi) south of Greymouth, close to the western end of State Highway 73, which leads across Arthur's Pass to Christchurch.

The pool was originally part of a sports complex for the township including a basketball court and a cricket pitch. The pool is no longer in use, but it remains a landmark in the area.

The pool was built to raise spirits in the area and provide a focus for the community. Water for the pool was conveyed 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) from the Dillmanstown Kapitea Reservoir using old iron pipes recovered from historic sluicing schemes. The pool was a popular spot for locals and visitors alike, and it was a great place to cool off on a hot summer day. The Historic Kumara Swimming Baths is a unique attraction that offers visitors a glimpse into the history of the area. The pool is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the community that built it, and it is a reminder of the importance of community spirit. Although the pool is no longer in use, it remains an important landmark in the area, and it is a popular spot for visitors to take photos and learn about the history of the area.

Visitors to the Historic Kumara Swimming Baths can also explore the town of Kumara and its surrounding areas. The town has a rich history, and there are many other landmarks and attractions to see in the area. A sluicing nozzle memorial to gold mining can be found in Kumara, and a short walk to a large impressive glacial boulder called Londonderry Rock is between. The West Coast Wilderness Trail cycleway running from Greymouth to Ross was officially opened with a ceremony in Kumara in November 2013. Overall, the Historic Kumara Swimming Baths is a must-visit attraction for anyone interested in the history of the area. It is a unique and fascinating landmark that offers visitors a glimpse into the past, and it is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the community that built it. Visitors can also explore the town of Kumara and its surrounding areas, which offer many other landmarks and attractions to see.
