
Pukaha National Wildlife Centre

Tourist attractions

85379 State Hwy 2, Masterton Suburb NI
+64 6 375 8004


Pukaha National Wildlife Centre is a popular tourist attraction in New Zealand that offers a unique opportunity to witness some of the country's rare and cherished species up close.

This wildlife park and conservation charity is dedicated to protecting and preserving New Zealand's native flora and fauna, including the iconic kiwi bird, kaka parrot, and tuatara reptile.

Visitors can explore the park's lush forests, wetlands, and aviaries, and learn about the conservation efforts being made to protect these precious species. The park also offers guided tours and interactive experiences, such as feeding the birds and meeting the tuatara.

With its stunning natural beauty and fascinating wildlife, Pukaha National Wildlife Centre is a must-see destination for nature lovers and conservation enthusiasts alike. It is a great place to learn about New Zealand's unique biodiversity and the efforts being made to protect it for future generations.

Overall, Pukaha National Wildlife Centre is a wonderful place to visit for anyone interested in nature and conservation. It offers a chance to see some of New Zealand's rarest and most beloved species up close, while also learning about the important work being done to protect them.


Open days/Times: Monday-Sunday: 9 am-5 pm

Attractions: Wildlife centres

Open Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Suited For: Kids, Wheelchairs


85379 State Hwy 2, Masterton Suburb NI

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