
Mauao / Mount Maunganui summit

Tourist attractions

Mount Maunganui Suburb NI
+64 7 577 7000


Mauao, also known as Mount Maunganui summit, is a popular tourist attraction in New Zealand.

This extinct 232-meter volcanic cone is not only a stunning natural landmark but also a sacred Maori site. Visitors can hike up the mountain and enjoy breathtaking views of the ocean from the top.

The hiking trails are well-maintained and offer a range of difficulty levels, making it accessible to all ages and fitness levels. Whether you're a nature lover, a history buff, or simply looking for a scenic adventure, Mauao is a must-visit destination in New Zealand.

If you're interested in the history of the area, you can learn about the Maori legends and stories associated with Mauao. The mountain is considered a guardian of the Tauranga Moana, or Tauranga Harbour, and is said to have been formed by the body of a giant who died protecting his people. The summit also features a memorial to the soldiers who fought in World War I, adding to the historical significance of the site.

Overall, Mauao is a unique and beautiful destination that offers something for everyone. Whether you're looking for a challenging hike or a peaceful stroll, you'll find it here. And with its rich cultural and historical significance, it's a destination that's not to be missed.


Open days/Times: Monday-Sunday: Open 24 hours

Attractions: Maori tours & attractions

Open Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Suited For: Kids, Wheelchairs


Mount Maunganui Suburb NI

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