
Elephant Rock (Hole in the Rock)

Tourist attractions

Lake Mangamahoe Rd, New Plymouth Suburb NI


Elephant Rock, also known as the Hole in the Rock, is a unique rock formation located on the North Taranaki coast near Tongaporutu, New Zealand.

The rock formation was named Elephant Rock due to its resemblance to an elephant with its trunk raised. However, in 2016, the trunk of the elephant was lost to erosion, leaving behind a rock formation that still resembles an elephant, but without its trunk. The Elephant Rock is part of a group of rock formations known as the Three Sisters. The Three Sisters are two 25-meter rock formations that were once three. The sea is slowly claiming them one at a time, and at the turn of the century, there were four sisters.

To access Elephant Rock, visitors can take a small countryside road that leads to the trailhead. The trail is a 5-minute walk from the car park, making it easily accessible for visitors of all ages and abilities. There are toilets on site, and visitors are reminded that the Elephant Rocks are on private farmland, so they should be respectful of the animals and let them be. The Elephant Rocks are included in the Vanished World Trail, which is a trail that takes visitors through other fascinating sites around Oamaru and Duntroon.

Visitors who enjoy fossils and geology are recommended to visit the museum in Duntroon before visiting the Elephant Rocks. The museum provides a great introduction to the geological history of the area and the fossils that can be found there. The Elephant Rocks themselves are a great example of the unique geological formations that can be found in New Zealand. Despite the loss of the trunk, Elephant Rock remains a popular destination for visitors to the area.


Natural attractions: Cliffs & Rock Formations


Lake Mangamahoe Rd, New Plymouth Suburb NI

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