
Waiheke Wine Tours Ltd


4 Totara Rd, Onetangi, NI 1030
+64 9 372 7342


?Waiheke Wine Tours?? Ltd is a company?? that offers private??, customized wine?? tours of Waiheke Island??, New Zealand??.

The company?? has several tour?? options available??, which include?? sightseeing and?? other activities?? along the way??. The tours are?? led by knowledgeable?? guides who provide?? interesting insights?? and history into?? Waiheke Island??. The tours include?? visits to three?? beautiful vine??yards, all of?? which offer wine?? tastings. The?? company also?? offers a fun??, interactive?? scenic vineyard tour?? with full commentary?? on the quirky?? island life. The?? tour price includes?? visits to three?? beautiful vine??yards, all of?? which offer wine?? tastings. The?? vineyards visited?? during the tour?? include Te Mot??u, which is the?? third oldest?? wine producer?? on the island?


Open days/Times: Monday-Sunday: 8am-7pm

Tours: Wine tours

Suited For: Wheelchairs


4 Totara Rd, Onetangi, NI 1030

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