
Picton Heritage & Whaling Museum

Tourist attractions Local history

9 London Quay, Picton Suburb SI
+64 3 573 8283


The Picton Heritage and Whaling Museum is a popular attraction for those interested in the seafaring history of New Zealand.

Located in the charming town of Picton, the museum showcases the rich Maori and European heritage of the area through a range of exhibits and educational displays. One of the highlights of the museum is its collection of whaling artifacts, which provides insight into the history of whaling in New Zealand and its impact on the local environment and economy.

The museum is situated on the Picton Foreshore, overlooking the Queen Charlotte Sound, and is easily accessible from the town center. Admission is reasonably priced, and visitors can expect to spend a few hours exploring the museum's extensive collection. The exhibits are well-curated and informative, with plenty of opportunities to learn about the town's history and culture. Additionally, the museum offers a range of educational programs and events throughout the year, including guided tours, workshops, and talks by local historians and experts.

In addition to its whaling artifacts, the museum also features exhibits on the town's maritime history, including displays on shipbuilding, navigation, and fishing. Visitors can purchase souvenirs and gifts at the museum's gift shop, which features a range of locally-made crafts and products. Overall, the Picton Heritage and Whaling Museum is a fascinating destination that offers a unique glimpse into New Zealand's seafaring past. It is a must-visit for anyone interested in the country's history and culture.


Open days/Times: Monday-Sunday: 10 am-3 pm

Museums: Local history

Open Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Suited For: Kids


9 London Quay, Picton Suburb SI

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