
Maungatautari Southern Enclosure

Tourist attractions

99 Tari Rd, Pukeatua NI
+64 7 870 5180


Maungatautari Southern Enclosure is a must-visit destination for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts.

Located in Pukeatua, New Zealand, this ecological reserve is home to some of the rarest native species in the country. The Southern Enclosure is part of the Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari, which is a 50-km pest-proof fence around 8,400 acres of native forest. This fence has created a refuge for New Zealand's rarest native species, making it a unique and special place to visit.

Visitors to Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari can experience a visit to the Southern Enclosure, Tautari Wetland and Tuatarium, the Northern Enclosure, and the Manu Tioriori visitor center. The Southern Enclosure, also known as Te Tui a Tane, is a multi-choice adventure that takes visitors from the visitor center to the Tower within the enclosure. The Tower is a great place to observe the native birds and plants that call the Southern Enclosure home.

The Southern Enclosure is a pristine forest that has been restored to its original state. Visitors can explore the forest and discover the plants and birds that are native to New Zealand. The environment is pest-free, making it a unique opportunity to experience the New Zealand environment the way it used to be. The forest is alive with native wildlife, including tui, bellbirds, and kereru.

Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari is a place of inspiration and restoration. The trust has worked hard to create a natural, self-sustaining forest that is alive with native wildlife. Visitors can get up close to New Zealand's native flora and fauna in natural surroundings, making it a unique and special experience. The Southern Enclosure is a great place to start your visit to Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari and experience the beauty of New Zealand's native wildlife.


Open days/Times: Monday-Sunday: 8:30 am-4 pm

Attractions: Wildlife centres

Open Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Suited For: Kids, Wheelchairs


99 Tari Rd, Pukeatua NI

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