
Mid Caples Hut

Tourist attractions Other

Queenstown Suburb SI
+64 3 442 7935


Mid Caples Hut is a public hut located on the Caples Track, which is part of the Greenstone and Caples Tracks circuit in the South Island of New Zealand.

The hut is situated in a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains, forests, and rivers, providing a stunning backdrop for hikers. The hut is accessible via a 2-3 day walk from Greenstone Hut to Mavora Lakes, and is a popular destination for trampers and hikers.

The hut is maintained by the New Zealand Department of Conservation and is available for public use on a first-come, first-served basis. It can accommodate up to 20 people and has basic facilities including bunk beds, a cooking area, and a toilet. The hut is equipped with a wood stove for heating and cooking, and firewood is provided. Hikers are required to bring their own food, cooking equipment, and sleeping bags.

Mid Caples Hut is located approximately 9 km from the Greenstone shelter and road end, and can be reached in 2-3 hours. The hut is situated near the Caples River and offers beautiful views of the surrounding mountains and forests. The area around the hut is ideal for hiking, fishing, and exploring the natural beauty of the region.

Hikers can camp along the bush edge, 50 meters from the track, or book the nearby Upper Caples Hut maintained by the New Zealand Deerstalkers Association. The Caples Track follows the Caples River up the privately owned Caples Valley, and hikers can enjoy the alpine views, lakes, forests, tussocklands, and rivers along the way. Overall, Mid Caples Hut is a great destination for hikers and trampers looking to explore the natural beauty of the Greenstone and Caples Tracks circuit in New Zealand. With its stunning location, basic facilities, and easy accessibility, it is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts.


Historical sites: Other


Queenstown Suburb SI

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