
Kuirau Park - Mud Pools

Tourist attractions

Kuirau St, Rotorua Suburb NI


Kuirau Park is a public park located in Rotorua, New Zealand, and is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to the area.

The park is situated right next to the city center and is full of geothermal activity, mud pools, and hot springs. Visitors can easily access the park by foot or car, with free parking available. The park is named after a young woman named Kuiarau, who was dragged to a taniwha's lair below the lake while bathing in the waters. Today, visitors can walk along the park's many walking tracks to see the natural boiling, bubbling, and steaming geothermal activity throughout the park.

The park is set in a beautifully manicured setting dotted with flower beds and native flora. Several walkways take you through the park to see the crater lake, mud pools, hot springs, and a free thermal foot bath. Visitors are generally quite safe as long as they stay on the cool side of the safety fences. Upon arrival, visitors will be welcomed by a couple of larger lakes right by the parking lot. These won’t have that geothermal steam or bubbles, but those will be coming very soon. By the entrance, visitors will also find some warm foot baths if they would like to give them a try for themselves. Continuing on the path northbound, visitors will come across the first of several smaller geothermal lakes and mud pools.

Kuirau Park is not only a great place to explore the natural beauty of Rotorua, but it's also a great place to play and picnic. The park offers barbecues, picnic tables, children's playground, and toilets. If you visit on Saturday, you'll be lured by the wonderful aromas of the food vendors and the beautiful fresh produce at the farmer's market held every week from 6 am to 1 pm – perfect for breakfast or lunch! In summary, Kuirau Park is a unique and fascinating destination that offers visitors a chance to experience the natural geothermal activity of New Zealand.

With its many walking tracks, mud pools, hot springs, and free thermal foot bath, it's a great place to spend a day exploring and enjoying the natural beauty of Rotorua. Visitors can enjoy the park's natural beauty and learn about the legend of Kuiarau while also enjoying a picnic or playing with their children. Kuirau Park is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Rotorua, New Zealand.


Open days/Times: Monday-Sunday: Open 24 hours

Attractions: Maori tours & attractions

Open Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Suited For: Kids, Wheelchairs


Kuirau St, Rotorua Suburb NI

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