
Mitre Flats Hut

Tourist attractions Other

Wellington Suburb NI


Mitre Flats Hut is a 14-bunk serviced hut located in Tararua Forest Park in the Wairarapa region of Wellington, New Zealand.

The hut is situated on the true left of the Waingawa River and can be reached via the Mitre Flats Track. The track is considered challenging and takes an average of 4-5 hours to reach the hut. The return trip can be completed in 8-9 hours.

The hut provides basic facilities including heating, mattresses, and non-flush toilets. Water is available from a tap but is not treated, so it is recommended to boil before use. The hut is managed by the Department of Conservation (DOC) and bookings are required.

Mitre Flats Hut is a popular destination for trampers and hikers looking for a weekend getaway in the wilderness. The hut offers stunning views of the surrounding forest and river, making it a perfect spot for nature lovers and photographers. If you are planning to visit Mitre Flats Hut, it is recommended to bring appropriate gear and clothing for the weather conditions. The DOC website provides detailed information on what to bring and how to prepare for your trip.

Overall, Mitre Flats Hut is a great destination for those looking to escape the city and immerse themselves in nature. With its beautiful scenery and basic facilities, it offers a unique and rewarding experience for trampers and hikers alike.


Historical sites: Other


Wellington Suburb NI

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