
One Tree Bridge

Tourist attractions


Historic old bridge constructed from one single log

Until 1904, the only way across the Donnelly River in this area was a hazardous natural rocky ford about 500 metres upstream of the present bridge. The opening of the nearby graphite mining venture demanded a safer crossing.

Local settlers, Herbert and Walter Giblett, located an enormous karri tree and, using their skill as axemen, felled it so it dropped across the 25m wide river to form the basis of a bridge.

The superstructure was hewn from nearby jarrah trees – crosspieces were cut and set into the karri log, then slabs of jarrah were laid across each end of the bolsters.

Finally, hand hewn jarrah decking was laid, naturally resting on the slabs to provide a non-slip surface for horses and bullocks.

Eventually, this bridge disintegrated and fell into the river. Part of it was salvaged and is now on display at this shady recreation site.

This information was provided by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions: dpaw.wa.gov.au


Natural attractions: Trees


Glenoran, WA

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