
Shenton GP

Health & community services Doctors: General Practitioners

Shenton GP, 209 Nicholson Rd, Shenton Park, WA 6008
(08) 93818154


A doctor owned and operated comprehensive general medical practice in Shenton Park.

Established in 1985 by Doctors Bryan and Emery, Shenton GP offers a range of services including:

General health checks and preventive care (Child and adults)

Pap test and sexual health checks

Family Planning (Implanon insertion and removal,  contraception)

Shared care obstetrics

Vaccinations (Child, Adult and Travel vaccinations, Registered Yellow Fever Clinic)

Skin checks and minor skin surgery


Spirometry and asthma checks

Advanced health care planning

Minor emergencies


Medical Services: Doctors: General Practitioners


Shenton GP, 209 Nicholson Rd, Shenton Park, WA 6008

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