
The Courtyards on Hill St


4 Hill Street U6, Sunshine Beach, QLD 4567


The Courtyards on Hill St is an accommodation located in Sunshine Beach, Queensland.

This apartment offers a range of amenities and features for guests to enjoy during their stay. The key features of The Courtyards on Hill St include an outdoor pool, complimentary WiFi, a fully equipped kitchen, a dining area, a flat-screen TV, an air-conditioned master bedroom, and pet-friendly options. Guests can take advantage of the outdoor pool for a refreshing and relaxing swim. The apartment also offers complimentary WiFi, allowing guests to stay connected and access the internet throughout their stay. With a fully equipped kitchen and dining area, guests have the convenience of preparing their own meals and enjoying them comfortably. Each apartment is equipped with a flat-screen TV, providing entertainment for guests to relax and enjoy their favorite shows or movies. The air-conditioned master bedroom ensures a comfortable and cool environment for guests to rest and relax. The Courtyards on Hill St is also pet-friendly, allowing guests to bring their furry friends along for their stay. In summary, The Courtyards on Hill St in Sunshine Beach offers comfortable accommodations with an outdoor pool, complimentary WiFi, fully equipped kitchen, and pet-friendly options. Guests can enjoy a relaxing and convenient stay in this apartment.


Price from: $348

Type: Condomiums

Capacity: 6

Number of rooms: 3rooms


4 Hill Street U6, Sunshine Beach, QLD 4567

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