
Twilight Cove

Tourist attractions


Twilight Cove is a spectacular coastal location at the eastern end of the Baxter Cliffs.

Twilight Cove is a stunning fishing spot with magnificent 70m high cliffs and a broad, sweeping beach where the white sand crunches underfoot. At this point on the southern coastline, the Baxter Cliffs turn inland in a north-eastward arc and become the escarpment that separates the Hampton Tablelands from the coastal Roe Plains.

#Remote reminders

The cove was named after the ship ‘Twilight’, which was wrecked here in 1877 during construction of Intercolonial Telegraph Line. Weathered wooden poles and rusted wire lie beside the coastal tracks that follow the route of the old telegraph line. Towards the western end of the dunes behind Twilight Cove beach are the remains of Carlisle’s hut. The family of eleven children lived in this remote location during the mid-part of the 20th century.

#Getting there Access to Twilight Cove is four-wheel drive (experienced four-wheel drivers only) along the beach from Eyre and or via tracks from Cocklebiddy, 26km to the north. Track conditions vary from rough rock pavement to deep sand, overgrown in places (your vehicle will get scratched) and may be impassable when wet. This information was provided by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions: dpaw.wa.gov.au


Natural attractions: Beaches

Parks: 2WD Access - No


Balladonia, WA

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