
Wanneroo and Northern Suburbs Community Garden

Local Facilities Community Centres

10 Neville Drive, Wanneroo, WA 6065


To provide a safe community focused area to grow and share produce and to assist the community by sharing skills and providing an interactive and rewarding project for all members of the community.

We will provide access and inclusion for disabled and senior people wishing to participate and we will benefit children and families of the Lake Joondalup 3 plus Early Learning Centre by providing enrichment and sensory gardens to aid in the care and education of special needs children. We provide regular events, activities and workshops for the purpose of education and inclusion drawing from the visions and policies of the Act Belong Commit initiative. We will promote a sense of community where trust, effort, knowledge, skills and responsibility are shared; where creativity, quality and the environment are nurtured; and where equity and philanthropy can flourish. A high percentage of people feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, a sense of wellbeing and improved moods when gardening. Being part of a community garden includes a sense of belonging to a community and inclusion. Having a sense of community unites us and can give us opportunities to connect with people


Facilities: Community Centres


10 Neville Drive, Wanneroo, WA 6065

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