Bogong accommodation

Bogong, Victoria, is an ideal destination for travelers due to its variety of accommodations. The Bogong Alpine Village, originally built for workers on the Kiewa Hydro-Electric Scheme, now serves as a holiday accommodation center. Visitors can enjoy fishing and boating at the picturesque Lake Guy, as well as take a scenic walk around the 2 km lake. The village also offers amenities such as a general store, cafe, restaurant (Bogong Jack's Tavern), and an information and booking center. Bookings can be made by calling 1800 808 277.

For those seeking a more luxurious stay, the QT Falls Creek Resort provides tailored service, food, and rooms for the ultimate comfort and relaxation. Located nearby, the Bogong Moth Motel in Mount Beauty offers fully serviced rooms with amenities like TV, DVD player, and free Wi-Fi. The motel is surrounded by beautiful gardens and offers magnificent views of Mt Bogong. Another charming accommodation option is the Bogong Village, which features cottages overlooking Lake Guy and is surrounded by the Alpine National Park.

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