Katherine accommodation

When traveling to Katherine, Northern Territory, you will find a variety of accommodation options to suit different preferences and budgets. From luxury lodges offering secluded sanctuaries with authentic Aboriginal artwork to more budget-friendly choices, there is something for everyone. The accommodations available in Katherine include cabins, hotels, tents, dorms, motels, caravan parks, and camping facilities, providing a range of experiences from luxurious stays to more adventurous and nature-oriented options.

For those seeking a luxurious experience, the Cicada Lodge is a popular choice, offering a secluded sanctuary with a view of the natural bush surrounding Nitmiluk Gorge. The lodge is known for its authentic Aboriginal artwork and a luxurious European day spa ambiance, providing a unique and comfortable stay for visitors.

If you prefer a more adventurous experience, you can choose to camp in the Nitmiluk National Park, offering the opportunity to paddle or hike along the magnificent Katherine Gorge. Additionally, there are options for camping at cattle stations, providing a chance to experience life on a working cattle station and enjoy activities such as animal feeding and nature walks.


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