Victor Harbour art galleries and exhibitions

The Victor Harbor region in South Australia is known for its vibrant art scene, with several galleries showcasing local and contemporary art. The area is home to notable galleries like the Victor Harbor Regional Art Gallery, a cooperative promoting visual art throughout the Fleurieu Peninsula. Artworx Gallery, located in Goolwa, is renowned for its contemporary art collection housed in a historic stone cottage.

Coral Street Art Space in Victor Harbor is a hub for local artists, fostering creativity and showcasing their works. Port Victor Gallery, situated in a heritage area of Victor Harbor, features paintings by local artists depicting scenes of the Fleurieu Peninsula. The gallery is open daily, offering a diverse collection of artworks in varying mediums.

In addition to these galleries, the Victor Harbor region hosts the annual Victor Harbor Art Show, which is Australia's largest outdoor art exhibition. This event attracts over 10,000 visitors and raises funds for local and international projects, further enriching the art scene in the area.

Victor Harbour art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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