Grampians Region art galleries and exhibitions

The Grampians Region in Victoria boasts a vibrant arts scene, with several art galleries displaying contemporary and traditional artwork from both local and international artists. Some notable galleries in the area include MOCO Gallery, Hamilton Gallery, Ararat Gallery TAMA, Horsham Regional Art Gallery, Ros McArthur Art Studio, Dunkeld Gallery, and Brambuk Cultural Centre.

MOCO Gallery, situated in the heart of Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park, offers a unique program of artist-led workshops, exhibitions, and classes for school children. Hamilton Gallery, with over 60 years of establishment, presents a variety of exhibitions, programs, and events aimed at fostering understanding and enjoyment of visual arts. Ararat Gallery TAMA, housed in Ararat's grand town hall building, focuses on textile art with touring exhibitions and a dedicated collection of textile and fiber art.

Horsham Regional Art Gallery emphasizes Australian photography in its exhibition program, showcasing the diversity of Australian art and housing a permanent collection that includes works by renowned European, Asian, and Australian masters. Ros McArthur Art Studio, nestled in the garden of "Woollahra" sheep farm, features oil paintings inspired by the beauty of the Grampians and its natural surroundings. Dunkeld Gallery displays works by local and regional artists, offering changing exhibitions that encompass various art forms like ceramics and unique sculptures.

Brambuk Cultural Centre, located in Halls Gap, serves as a gateway to the Grampians National Park, providing insights into the region's rich Aboriginal culture and history. These galleries collectively provide visitors with a diverse range of art experiences, enabling them to discover new artists and mediums, participate in workshops, and connect with the local artistic community.

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