Hunter Valley art galleries and exhibitions

The Hunter region in New South Wales is home to several art galleries showcasing diverse artworks from local artists. Three notable galleries include: The Hunter Street Gallery of Fine Arts, established in 1951, presents modern, contemporary, Aboriginal, and traditional pieces, offering a wide selection that changes regularly. Loviz Arts Gallery, located in the Hunter Valley, features Tanya Loviz's renowned cheeky girls in wine glasses and musical themed artworks. Maitland Regional Art Gallery, near the Maitland Visitor Information Centre, houses over 2,800 masterpieces, including watercolor and oil paintings, providing a glimpse into the region's artistic talent.

These galleries, among others in New South Wales, offer a rich cultural experience for travelers exploring the area. The Hunter Street Gallery of Fine Arts near Parramatta Park provides art classes and workshops at an affordable cost. Loviz Arts Gallery showcases the work of internationally recognized artist Tanya Loviz with over 30 years of experience and a vast collection of paintings and poetry. Maitland Regional Art Gallery is a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts, offering a diverse range of artworks and masterpieces to admire.

Hunter Valley
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Hunter Valley art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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