Temora art galleries and exhibitions

Temora, a charming town in the Riverina region of New South Wales, is home to several art galleries and museums that showcase a variety of art, history, and cultural exhibits. One of the main attractions in the area is the Bundawarrah Centre, which houses the Temora Rural Museum, a cultural precinct that highlights the region's rich agricultural and industrial heritage. The Temora Rural Museum, located within the Bundawarrah Centre, features a diverse collection of exhibits and working examples of rural technology, providing insights into the lives of pioneering families and the development of mixed farming in the region. The museum's collection includes a fully furnished pioneer cottage, a gallery dedicated to an impressive rock and mineral display, and a dedicated temporary exhibition space named for Temora's first European settler, Valentine Lawler.

Another notable attraction in Temora is the Temora Aviation Museum, which houses a world-class collection of flying historical aircraft and exhibits that showcase the region's aviation history. In addition to these museums, Temora also boasts several art galleries that feature contemporary art, paintings, sculptures, and other modern art pieces. These galleries provide an opportunity for visitors to appreciate and purchase local art, while also enjoying the town's picturesque surroundings and friendly atmosphere.

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