Atherton Tableland art galleries and exhibitions

The Atherton Tablelands in Queensland is known for its diverse art galleries that exhibit a wide range of artistic talents. One prominent gallery is the Artistree Gallery in Yungaburra, owned by Larissa and Anthony Kruck. It features handcrafted items in various mediums such as wood, wire, clay, oils, pastels, glass, stone, felt, and photography. The gallery represents a mix of artists, including well-known Atherton Tablelands and North Queensland artists, as well as creations by Anthony, his mother Elaine, and sister Jenni Kruck.

Another significant gallery in the region is the Tableland Regional Gallery in Atherton, established in 2008 by the Tableland Regional Council. This gallery is a venue for showcasing diverse artistic talent from the area and hosts touring exhibitions, workshops, and cultural events. Operating hours are from 10 am to 4 pm Tuesday through Saturday and from 10 am to 2 pm on Sundays, with Mondays being closed.

Both the Artistree Gallery and Tableland Regional Gallery offer visitors a chance to appreciate and purchase locally crafted artwork while immersing themselves in the vibrant arts community of the Atherton Tablelands.

Atherton Tableland art galleries and exhibitions - Localista

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