Bathurst art galleries and exhibitions

The Bathurst Region in New South Wales boasts a thriving art scene with several notable art galleries showcasing contemporary art, local artists, and diverse exhibitions. The Bathurst Regional Art Gallery (BRAG) is a modern, highly celebrated regional art gallery that presents state-of-the-art exhibitions of contemporary art. Established in 1989, it was the first purpose-built regional gallery in NSW and is owned and operated by Bathurst Regional Council. BRAG's permanent collection includes works by renowned artists like Grace Cossington Smith, Lloyd Rees, and Fred Williams. The gallery also hosts the nationally renowned Hill End Artists in Residence Program and offers booking for private functions.

In addition to BRAG, the Bathurst Region features other art galleries such as Papyrus Gallery, Gallery Lane, Adrian Gilbert Art, Waragil Studio Gallery, Ada's Place, and Lupp Graham. These galleries showcase a diverse range of art styles, mediums, and artists, providing visitors with a rich and varied cultural experience. The region's art scene extends beyond galleries to include artist studios, historic sites, Aboriginal experiences, craft shops, and public art installations. This vibrant artistic community offers a unique and enriching experience for travelers exploring the Bathurst Region.

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